
PhD student

If you want to pursue PhD research on spontaneous thought, learning and decision making and/or computational psychiatry, please apply through the CBN program of the Department of Psychology, University of Miami. Inquiry can be sent to mingbo [dot] cai [at] miami [dot] edu, with a title “[PhD application] + your name

Postdoctoral researcher

If you have research experience in spontaneous thought, learning and decision, natural tasks, computational psychiatry, and would like to work in any or multiple of these domains, please send your CV, manuscripts, research statement, and contact information for reference to mingbo [dot] cai [at] miami [dot] edu, with a title “[postdoc] + your name“. We are especially interested in candidates with strong computational background.

Undergraduate or master student in Miami area:

Please get in touch with Mingbo (mingbo [dot] cai [at] miami [dot] edu) if you are interested in joining research on mind wandering, learning and decision making, computational psychiatry, and/or brain-inspired AI.

Please note that we are more interested in human intelligence than simulating neuronal models or merely seeking applications of machine learning tools or data mining.

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