Kayo Matogawa
Matogawa san managed the lab’s logistics. She has experience working in various educational institutes and industry. Without her, everyone else would have be constantly occupied and confused by paperwork in Todai. She is now working at IRCN’s administrative office to support all foreign researchers.

Zixun Wei
Zixun was an intern and research assistant in the lab from 2021 to 2023. He obtained his bachelor’s degree from Waseda University, Japan, majoring in mechanical engineering and minoring in computer science. In the lab he worked with Jianing on improving the algorithm for aligning ego-centric eye-movement data and analyzing open-access fMRI data to understand factors underlying data quality. After leaving the lab, he joined a master program in the Graduate School of Arts and Science, The University of Tokyo, in Fall 2023.

Junxia Wang
Junxia was a research assistant at Cai Lab from 2021 to 2023. She got her bachelor’s degree from Peking University, China, where she majored in physics and minored in economics. In the lab, she worked on computational modeling of multi-echo fMRI data. In her spare time, she likes reading and hanging out with friends, exploring coffee shops, delicious foods, and mountains.

Taiping Zeng
Taiping was a postdoctoral researcher in the lab between 2020 and 2023. He received his Ph.D. in computational neuroscience and robotics from The University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China in 2019, after working with Prof. Bailu Si on computational models of mammalian spatial navigation. His research focuses on decision-making in spatial planning, robotics, spatial cognition and navigation. In the lab, he worked on brain’s representation of 3D scene structure. He is also interested in using robots for testing hypotheses and validating models of nervous systems, and further generating valuable insight into cognition. He has now started his lab in ISTBI of Fudan University.

Mujie Cui
Mujie worked as a part-time intern in the lab. She is interested in economic decision making.

Xiangjing Shen
Xiangjing was a research assistant in the lab between 2021 and 2022. Before he became a member of the lab, he worked as a machine learning engineer in the industry, focused specifically on natural language processing. During the time, he also learned about mental health/educational counseling practice. In the lab, he worked on fMRI encoding and decoding models for studying spontaneous thoughts, with the hope of developing diagnostic biomarkers. Besides working, he likes playing basketball, reading novels, writing, and spending time with my friends.

Jianing Mu
Jianing did a remote internship when she was an undergraduate student from Haverford College in the summer of 2021, working on predicting gaze patterns in egocentric infant eye-tracking data. She majored in psychology with minors in neuroscience and statistics. She is interested in the interaction between attention and memory. In her free time, she enjoys working as a theater technician, cooking, and reading fantasy novels. Currently, she is a PhD student at the Department of Neuroscience of UT Austin

Jialing Ding
Jialing was a part-time research assistant in 2021. She received her B.A. degree in Psychology from Waseda University with a minor in Software Study. She also studied Cognitive Science at UC San Diego during her 1-year studying abroad. Her research interests surround the field of learning and decision-making in people with mental diseases, especially anxiety disorders. Besides study, she volunteered at an NPO aiming to support Chinese international students’ mental health and worked as a production assistant at Olympic Broadcasting Services and movie Detective Chinatown 3. In her free time, she enjoys watching movies, playing badminton, and traveling. She later obtained a master degree at KU Leuven and worked Yael Ni’v lab as a visiting student.

Tushar Arora
Tushar Arora was a research assistant at the Cai Lab in 2020-2021. He completed his Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science at IIIT-Delhi, India. His research work aims to understand object representation emergence and 3D scene understanding. Outside of the lab, you can find him hiking with his camera or reading fiction novels. Tushar is a now master student of neuroscience at Stony Brook University.

Brandon Townsend
Brandon Townsend was a part-time intern in February-August 2021. He graduated from the University of California-Santa Barbara, majoring in sociology and minoring in applied psychology. His current interests revolve around the intersection between mental health and mechanisms of implicit bias decision making. He was a master’s student studying public health via an online graduate school program at the University of Nevada-Reno, and also studied Japanese in Tokyo.

Yuma Kajihara
Yuma was a Research Assistant in April-August 2020, working on discovering signatures of psychiatric disorder from fMRI data in natural task. He is now a PhD student with Kenji Doya at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology.