In collaboration with Miraikan, we conducted an experiment at Miraikan in 2021-2022. This research aimed to understand how people learn to generalize and refine what they have learned and how the process of learning changes across ages.
Visitors to the IRCN exhibition at Miraikan can participate in this study by playing a game on one of the computers. In the game, you will choose whether to open a box or discard it. If you open the box, you may obtain virtual coins or lose points. If you discard the box, no change will happen to the coins you have collected. Some boxes are better while others are worse. We are interested in how people learn to collect more coins by solving the game. We will develop computational models to understand why people make every choice in the game and compare the result across people of different ages.
Any visitors at or above the age of 3 can play the game. Children under the age of 16 need consent from one of their parents or legal guardians to be part of the research, but they can still just try the game without participating in the research (we will not analyze their data in the game). Visitors will not actually gain or lose money by playing the game. We may provide a printed card as thanks for your time. By playing the game, you help us advance science.